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Robot 2 era has ARrived
ARly 30% last yeAR. Insiders said that the next 20 yeARs, there is still a lot of space for the development of robotics, human robot cooperation in the era of robots to rise to a new height of 2.
Five mAJor AReas of ARtificial intelligence make the mARe go.
ARtificial intelligence (AI) caused a lot of concerns, such as the robot may compete with humans, or may one day break robot wARs, but recent studies show that AI is more contribution than we think wi
ARtificial intelligence will help electricity supplier development in four AReas
ARtificial intelligence will not be limited to the above level, it will be the value of the electricity supplier industry. Specific performance: help to improve service quality and reduce labor costs;
GPRS transpARent data transmission
ARd, a simple set of pARameters, you can connect to the serial device data transpARent transmission to the public network fixed IP or domain name on the host. Happy coast of KG50A30 GRPS
2020 OLED materials mARket will reach 2 billion U.S. dollARs related materials and equipment manufacturers to prepARe for wAR
ARket shARe, forcing Japan's lARge enterprise gradually withdraw from the television and the liquid crystal display mARket. With the development of OLED display technology, Japan will ste
ABB hARvest Automation Industry AwARds
AJor awARds. ABB local R & D ACS580MV medium voltage inverter won the ten mAJor user trust products". As a member of the ABB ABB series products, ACS580MV is an advanced product in t
China's first giant robot wAR of japan-us
AJesty, painted with red flame and the gluttonous totem, full of Chinese chARm and Oriental mystery; geometry and its full strength of mechanical structure of full sense of science fiction. W
ABB ultra low hARmonic drive ensures no pollution power supply
ARmonic (ULH) transmission products, help different industrial applications to eliminate hARmful hARmonics. These drive products can bring significant benefits to customers, including increased reliab
SIEMENS MindSphere into more pARtners, app and the expansion of Internet technology
ARtners, app and Internet technology to promote its cloud based open networking operating system MindSphere. The company will work together at the Hannover Industrial Fair pARtners, showing about 50 k
Forecast of Internet of things, big data and ARtificial intelligence in 2017
AJor trends: the Internet of things (IoT), big data and ARtificial intelligence (AI). From the still dispersed Internet to the rapid fluctuations in the computing pARadigm, how people reshape our life
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