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Amass semiconductor introduced AS7225 adjustaBLe white light sensor intelligent lighting system
BLe white light sensor intelligent lighting system, further expansion of the sensor set into adjustaBLe lighting solutions. The launch of AS7225, so OEM manufacturers of lighting equipment in the orig
Lenze Lentz unveiled the 2016 industrial automation show: the new i500 series inverter, grand puBLic
BLy, no derating Integrated features such as C1/C2 EMC filters Less engineering design input FlexiBLe interactive platform, such as taBLet, computer tools, mobile phone APP
The sensor collective BLack technology Shuabing king gets
BLack technology? The next sensor market will be the emergence of what subversion through new products, let us wait and see. New sensor At the end of 2016, the State Council issued t
Google, Kabasiji, found: BLackmail virus behind the scenes or from North Korea
BLished tweets, compared two malware samples. One is the WannaCry extortion virus that is ravaging the world, and the other is from the mysterious hacker organization Lazarus Group. There is
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