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SGDM-20ADA Yaskawa servo driver Chinese manual
Which eldest brother does sister know where to download? I'm looking for an instruction manual, thank you
Who has the MITSUBISHI PLC control Yaskawa servo (SGDM-20ADA) program?
It's best to have the parameters that the servo drive is setting for, thanks
Q2MEM-2MBS MITSUBISHI PLC save disk program is not known to be damaged by what software, another WDV format of the file?
In the past few days, MITSUBISHI GX8.25 software has been written and stored on the D disk and opened many times. But today, it can not be opened again. Similarly, other programs of the same software
Q2MEM-2MBF encoder model confirmation
Encoder: OSA18-131 and encoder: OSA18-130 can be used in servomotor: HC-SFS152?
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