OMRON Solid State Relays G3NA-490B-UTU-2 DC5-24 [Products]
Isolation: Photocoupler. Zero cross function: Yes. Indicator: Yes(Yellow). Applicable output load
OMRON G3NA-490B-UTU DC5-24 [Price]
DC5-24 Equipped with a mechanism that indicates the applicable, operating zone, as well as push-bu
OMRON G3NA-490B-UTU-2 DC5-24 [Price]
DC5-24 Select from a wide variety of Temperature Sensors according, to the tempera
OMRON Solid State Relays G3NA-490B-UTU-2 DC5-24 datasheetPDF datasheet [Download]
DC5-24 PDF. 5-mm wide Expansion Units with 3, poles and 3 OFF-delay poles. Simple
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