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How to make sERvo motors rotate at constant speed?
ERation make it at 1000 rpm, with the drivER I have hERe an AC sERvo motor Yaskawa SGDM-04? Not through extERnal signals
Type selection of absolute encodER
ERature Resolution: 1024~3600 (6 '~ 21') Output intERface: sERial port Max speed: 15000rpm 类型: 绝对式编码器 线数: 2500线左右 极数: 6极
SERvo motor system is unusual, thERe are new circumstances, please mastER to help analyze the next ~ thank you!
ER the repair is still the front of the phenomenon) check the connection (coding line). Inspection, no scratches found on the rotor, 3 normal (before the input controllER voltage is missing, the hand
More than 8 sERial communications, how to program?
ERial communication, ThERefore, the installation of 5 CJ12-SCU21-V1 sERial communication module, First sERial communication code for LD A202.00, PMCR (260) #112, #0, E0_1000, Second sERial communic
Cj1w-tc004 measuring tempERature is highER than control tempERature
我家NPC焊接机的保温板,安装的是欧姆龙的控温件 CJ1W-TC004,其中保温板的设置温度是120度,实际测量温度达到145度,我就想问问怎么解决把测量温度控制在设置温度的范围之内? 在操作手册上我也找到了解决方法,但是 控制输出操作的继电器 我没有找到在哪